oggi, complice uno sciopero generale, la scuola d'infanzia chiudeva i battenti alle 13.00. poiché fortunatamente dispongo di un discreto numero di ore di straordinario accumulate e convertibili in ferie che mi tengo lì proprio per emergenze come queste ed essendo un periodo relativamente tranquillo in ufficio, oggi mi son fatta dare il pomeriggio libero dal capo.
sapevo che l'ometto aveva voglia di creare e mi sono presentata da lui sottoponendogli tre idee tra cui scegliere. un aereo, un serpente o un trenino. ha vinto il trenino (solo perché l'aereo l'abbiamo già fatto ma ne servono altri due per ultimare il progetto, poi ne scriverò - credo).
siamo partiti con : tovaglie di plastica e vestiti da pittura, tempere, pennelli, forbici, colla, un tubo di cartone della carta igienica (qui li teniamo a vagonate), cartone di recupero e alcune scatole vuote di té e tisane varie, una perforatrice e alcune graffette e due occhietti adesivi non troppo piccoli.
io ho ritagliato dal cartone di recupero 16 dischi identici per far le ruote. l'ometto ha dipinto le scatole del té e ci ha disegnato sopra dei finestrini. poi ha dipinto le ruote e il tubo di cartone di nero. quando tutto è stato asciutto, io ho fatto dei fori sui lati corti delle scatole da té per unirle tra loro per mezzo delle graffette. e poi l'ometto ha incollato le ruote mentre io ho incollato gli occhi e disegnato naso e bocca alla locomotiva. e siamo entrambi molto soddisfatti sia del nostro pomeriggio insieme che del risultato.
le mie fonti di ispirazione sono il trenino di homeschoolcreations e quello di mermag.
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© singlemamafranny - all rights reserved |
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© singlemamafranny - all rights reserved |
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© singlemamafranny - all rights reserved |
today, thanks to a general strike, the school closed its doors at 1:00 p.m.. since fortunately I have a fair number of overtime hours which can be converted into holidays and that I use in case of emergencies just like this and being a relatively quiet period in my office, today I have been given the afternoon off from my boss.
I knew that my little boy wanted to create something, therefore I went to him with three ideas to choose from. a plane, a snake or a train. the train won (only because we've already done the plane but we need two more of them to complete our project, then I will write about it - I think).
we started with: plastic tablecloths and clothes for painting, acrilic colours, brushes, scissors, glue and a cardboard tube of toilet paper (we have kept lots them), recycled cardboard and some empty boxes of different teas and herbal teas, a perforator punch and some paper clips and two not too small eyestickers.
I knew that my little boy wanted to create something, therefore I went to him with three ideas to choose from. a plane, a snake or a train. the train won (only because we've already done the plane but we need two more of them to complete our project, then I will write about it - I think).
we started with: plastic tablecloths and clothes for painting, acrilic colours, brushes, scissors, glue and a cardboard tube of toilet paper (we have kept lots them), recycled cardboard and some empty boxes of different teas and herbal teas, a perforator punch and some paper clips and two not too small eyestickers.
I cut out of the recycled cardboard 16 identical disks to do the wheels. my little boy has painted the tea boxes and has drawn the windows over them. then he has painted wheels and the black cardboard tube. as soon as everything was dry, I made some holes on the short sides of the tea boxes to join them together by means of the paper clips. and then my little boy has glued the wheels while I glued the eyes and drew nose and mouth to the locomotive. and we are both very pleased both with our afternoon together and with the result.
my inspirartional projects are the train made by homeschoolcreations and the one made by mermag.