bilingual blog

this is a bilingual blog written by a single mom who is like many others but who somehow is also different :-)

venerdì 4 febbraio 2011

this moment

una singola foto - senza parole - che cattura un momento della settimana.
un momento semplice, speciale, straordinario.
un momento che voglio mettere in pausa, gustare e ricordare.

12 commenti:

  1. anne, sooner or later we'll finish it... and I'll show the final result.

    thanks for your visit :-)

  2. really, maria rose?

    well, I must say there was a wonderful light that day...


  3. Well, it's good to see him willing to do nice things... hope he feels better! :)

  4. paola, he still has got 38° C... but we have to kill time in some way or another. and I have tried all my best to keep him away from tv.


  5. yes, part of why I love these moments is that they rarely involve kids watching TV!

  6. I know, I know, dmarie.
    I must say, in this chickenpox week he has seen too much tv anyway. normally he is never at home and can play with other children. he is stuck at home since last friday and all my crafts and his games are really not enough to keep him away from tv...

  7. Chickenpox are no fun at all, are they? My nine year old and my baby both had them a few months ago. It was probably easier for the baby because she was too little to scratch.

    It really is a beautiful photo.

  8. elena, non vedo l'ora di vedere il risultato finale... :-)

    ps: bello quel 'mi garba un monte' !!!

  9. you are right, tinsenpup, no fun at all. thanks goodness he doesn't scratch too much. but he also had high fever all the week long and he's really upset...

    thanks for your visit and I'm glad you like my photo :-)


ciao, sono lieta che tu sia qui e che tu abbia dedicato del tempo per lasciare il tuo commento. io tornerò presto da te. ♥

hi, I'm glad you're here and you've found time to leave your comment. I'll get back to you soon. ♥